So, yes, we are essential, but we do get to apply all the new mandates the governor has outlined. When you arrive, you will be greeted at the door and we will direct you to the right area of the shoppe.
Our hours are back to normal at South Salem!!
South Salem Hours: Monday-Saturday 9am-7pm and Sunday noon-5pm
Albany Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 11am-4pm; Friday & Saturday 11am-6pm, Closed on Tuesday and Sunday
Beaverton Hours: Monday-Saturday noon-6pm and Sunday Noon-5pm
McMinnville Hours: Monday-Thursday Noon-4pm, Friday-Saturday Noon-6pm, Closed on Sunday
The biggest part of what we do is help people find the cash they need using the items of value they own. Guess what! That’s our deal – we can get cash in your pocket today for all those things you own without selling them.
Things we currently take in on loan: anything of value, but here are some excellent examples – laptops, cameras, musical equipment, luxury handbags, jewelry, gold, diamonds, bullion, coins, handg*ns, long g*ns, amm*, 4-wheelers, tractors, boats, and more.