Capital Pawn Loans FAQ
On occasion the general public needs to borrow sums of money that other sources are not willing to provide, and in this economy this need has resulted in the rise of popularity of the pawn shop. From $10 – $100,000. Regardless of the size of loan you need, don’t hesitate to call us! We’re here to help you with any of your loan needs.
What is a pawn loan?
A pawn is a convenient cash loan against the value of your collateral (i.e., jewelry, electronics, tools). A pawn is easily completed within minutes, since it does not require a credit check. It is a fast, easy way to get cash in hand whenever you need it!
How does it work?
Bring an item of value to our Capital Pawn Store. We accept all sorts of items, such as jewelry, tools, motorcycles, electronics, etc. We will retain the item as collateral and loan you money against it.
To get a loan, you need an identification card issued by federal or state agency (example: a state driver’s license or matricula consular).
How much money will I get for my item(s)?
We typically don’t give prices without seeing the merchandise first hand. For accurate pricing, simply bring in your valuables and talk to us. We are ready to help you!
How much is my gold worth?
The value of gold and what it’s trading for changes everyday. The quotes we offer you are only good at the time of our assessment. If you come back another day, that price might be different. Feel confident you’ll get the best value with for your gold from us.
How long is my loan good for?
Loans may be renewed by simply paying the interest and starting a new loan. You can always renew your loan at anytime as long as it’s current. Simply pay the interest and your sixty day loan starts over again.
I left my item with you and it was forfeited. Can I get another loan?
Yes! When we give out loans, we know there’s a chance you’ll change your mind and not want your item anymore or your situation might have changed. As long as our transaction with you was positive, we would be happy to do more business with you.