offers upscale value shopping in a friendly, fast, honest, and fun environment with a focus on recycling, reclaiming, renewing, reusing, and sustaining the local community through loans, buys, and trades.

We strive to create a significantly encouraging customer experience by selling both gently-loved designer products and gently-loved vintage products at innovative prices.

We are a
locally owned,

family run, family-friendly pawn, loan, and trade business in Salem, Oregon.

Because we know items could potentially end up on our shelves for sale, we only deal in quality merchandise. Capital Pawn is an established local store, and we value our ties to the local community. You can be assured we are not a “here today gone tomorrow” business.

Our customers can expect a friendly atmosphere and encouraging encounter whenever they visit our shop!

Habitat for Humanity builds homes and hope for veterans and active military in the Mid-Willamette Valley.

Seth Gold visiting Capital Pawn - proceeds from the day went to Habitat for Humanity.



One Thousand Soles is a student-championed shoe drive for homeless teens & children in-need living in Salem, OR & surrounding areas.

We actively participate every year by hosting a donation box for shoes during their School Battle of the Shoes, as well as collect year round!

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